Pickles are allowed during Phase 2 as long as they don't have any sugars or "natural flavorings" added. Cucumbers, vinegar, salt... herbs... all are okay to consume (in moderation, of course), but you'll have to be aware that consuming pickles will most likely cause you to retain water due to the salt.
Simeons was unconcerned about water gain or retention as long as the source was discovered, so gaining or maintaining weight after consuming pickles is no cause for alarm. Your body can only hold so much salt before it retains water to break it down. But, once your body has dessicated the salt, it will flush the water out of your system naturally. Yet, many people seem to want to eat their pickles and lose weight the next day, which probably won't happen.
Remember, too, that pickles would count as one of your two allowed vegetable choices for the day. So, don't mix vegetables at a meal during P2. You can't have a plain salad with chicken and 3 pickles -- it's either lettuce or pickles at that meal, not both.
So, if you're peckish for pickles, prepare for possible pounds produced per your pursuit!
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