Protein Day
This was an experiment: Our administrator was needing a steak day (over 2 + pounds up) and instead tried a "Protein Day".
Protein Days mostly are for people with hypoglycemic issues -- not to be used a lot, but instead of a Steak Day if necessary.
The theory that it might work is because (opinion here) Dr. Simeons had trouble convincing people to really eat a lot. When we have been so used to such small amounts eating more is kind of hard to do. Plus -- our administrator had hypoglycemic issues making it harder to go without protein all day.
Dr. Simeon's method to bring the weight back down to within the 2 pound range was to give massive amounts of protein to people who had gained. Reason for gain (again, opinion) is that they were not eating enough.
Steak is high in fat and protein. Having them eat a huge one got them past the limiting their amount of food.
The experiment was to eat as much protein all day long and see if that brought her weight back down under the 2 + pound limit.
So she ate mostly protein that whole day and lots of it. Cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, almonds, bison (adding a little lettuce as the bun), chicken, etc.
LOTS and LOTS of calories! Lots of food! Mostly protein -- high in fat! High in calories!!!!
And guess what? It worked! She dropped 1.4 pounds the next morning. Well under the 2 pound limit.
So, how this experiment might help is: before you get over the 2 + pounds, try a "Protein Day". See what happens.
***Please do not do these very often.***
They are not meant to become a P3 habit.
Do not eliminate your veggies and fruits. You need all your roughage, vitamins and minerals from all the foods.
© 2009-2012 / TrimYou
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