We want to caution you about a term we've heard numerous times, which has been used to sometimes justify 'taking a few days off" from the protocol: a so-called "Planned Interruption."
Simeons never wrote the words "Planned Interruption."
He only referred to "interruptions of Weight Loss," "Deviations," and "Unforeseen Interruptions."
You should only deviate from the protocol as an absolute last resort. Deviations or interruptions should never be done simply to allow for a day or two "break" from the diet in order to accommodate a desired cheat for a social event or holiday gathering, etc. There's no allowance for this so we recommend you:
- eat only the food allowed on the protocol
- take your own food
- take very dainty servings, or, barring any of these
- avoid the event altogether.
We know that sounds inflexible, but there are consequences for deviating from or interrupting the protocol. We owe it to you to tell you the truth without sugar coating anything.
When you know you'll be in a position to have to interrupt the protocol, (e.g., an unexpected business trip/event, overseas travel, etc.) here is how you should do it. Dr. Simeons talks about it in "Pounds & Inches" (excerpt below).
If this interruption is:
Understand that you will gain weight. That is a given. It will come back off when you resume the protocol.
1) Stop spraying 2 or 3 days before your inescapable commitment (remember, deviations/suspensions aren't intended for "Family picnic" or "Best friend's pizza party," etc.)
2) Plan on eating about 500 calories the first 2 or 3 days while off the spray. You will likely begin to get very hungry a some point during this time.
3) Then you can increase calories to 800 - 1000 as your hunger increases, making sure you add (to the extent you can) meat, eggs, cheese and milk
4) If you can't bring your own food, you are to "take dainty servings" (See below)
5) Then increase your calories to approximately 1500 per day until you come back.
6) At the end of your trip (or inescapable event) take the spray again the night you return and begin the 500 calorie P2 diet in the morning.
Remember to subtract the number of days you didn't spray when you are calculating for your recommended calories at the end of your round (if you're using Xexen's calorie calculator below). If you're looking for a calorie calculator that doesn't factor in "Spray vs. No Spray Days" -- use Daniel's calorie calculator.
"Pounds & Inches" page 25:
"Unforeseen Interruptions of Treatment:
If an interruption of treatment lasting more than four days is necessary, the patient must increase his diet to at least 800 calories by adding meat, eggs, cheese, and milk to his diet after the third day, as otherwise he will find himself so hungry and weak that he is unable to go about his usual occupation. If the interval lasts less than two weeks the patient can directly resume injections and the 500-calorie diet, but if the interruption lasts longer he must again eat normally until he has had his third injection.
When a patient knows beforehand that he will have to travel and be absent for more than four days, it is always better to stop injections three days before he is due to leave so that he can have the three days of strict dieting which are necessary after the last injection at home. This saves him from the almost impossible task of having to arrange the 500 calorie diet while en route, and he can thus enjoy a much greater dietary freedom from the day of his departure. Interruptions occurring before 20 effective injections have been given are most undesirable, because with less than that number of injections some weight is liable to be regained. After the 20th injection an unavoidable interruption is merely a loss of time."
Faulty Dieting p. 20
"[At an off-protocol meal, we advise them they] should take dainty servings of everything, bide what they can under the cutlery and book the gain which may take three days to get rid of as one of the sacrifices which their profession entails. Allowing three days for their correction, such incidents do not jeopardize the treatment, provided they do not occur all too frequently in which case treatment should be postponed to a socially more peaceful season."
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