When I surveyed members about hunger, 52% said they had very little or no hunger whatsoever on this protocol.
Another 36% said they had 'some' hunger. And 8% said they were 'usually' hungry. Only 4% said they were 'always' hungry during Phase 2.
That means 88% had some to no hunger and 12% were either usually or always hungry. If you fall into the 'hunger' camp, knowing that the majority of people don't experience much if any hunger, it doesn't help you, does it?
Here are some reasons you could be experiencing hunger and some things you can do to correct the situation.
If you are hungry during Phase 2, this can be caused by one or more of the following:
1) You didn't load properly on Phase 1 (didn't I warn you?)
2) You are in your first week of Phase 2 (and the hunger will pass after 4-5 days)
3) You are eating/drinking/taking/applying to your skin things that are off-protocol (like coffee, essential oils, cosmetics with organic fats, strong medications, etc. These halt the fat-burning process, a.k.a 'ketosis', which causes hunger)
4) You are not drinking enough water (you cannot metabolize fat without enough water, and when you are metabolizing fat you will be in 'ketosis' and not feel hungry)
5) You are hypoglycemic (if you are tired/weak/fatigued on Phase 2 you are probably hypoglycemic which is common in overweight people, and you should increase your daily caloric intake to ~750 cals per day, preferably with lean protein)
6) You have a mineral deficiency (this can possibly be corrected with Sea Salt - see below)
So, the first thing to do if you are hungry is to check yourself against the above list and make sure you 'on protocol', drinking enough water and not hypoglycemic.
If you have taken the above corrective measures and STILL suffer from hunger, you have the following additional remedies:
- Midday Spray: If you're getting hungry in the middle of the day, you can try an extra spray midday. Try not to get in the habit of this since you won't have enough spray in the bottle for a full round.
- Miracle Noodles: These are pure fiber, and ZERO calories - you can eat AS MUCH of them as you want on Phase 2, and they don't count towards any of your allowed foods. You can eat them IN ADDITION to your allowed foods. Just drink extra water to 'keep them moving' in your system. Order them here
Another 36% said they had 'some' hunger. And 8% said they were 'usually' hungry. Only 4% said they were 'always' hungry during Phase 2.
That means 88% had some to no hunger and 12% were either usually or always hungry. If you fall into the 'hunger' camp, knowing that the majority of people don't experience much if any hunger, it doesn't help you, does it?
Here are some reasons you could be experiencing hunger and some things you can do to correct the situation.
If you are hungry during Phase 2, this can be caused by one or more of the following:
1) You didn't load properly on Phase 1 (didn't I warn you?)
2) You are in your first week of Phase 2 (and the hunger will pass after 4-5 days)
3) You are eating/drinking/taking/applying to your skin things that are off-protocol (like coffee, essential oils, cosmetics with organic fats, strong medications, etc. These halt the fat-burning process, a.k.a 'ketosis', which causes hunger)
4) You are not drinking enough water (you cannot metabolize fat without enough water, and when you are metabolizing fat you will be in 'ketosis' and not feel hungry)
5) You are hypoglycemic (if you are tired/weak/fatigued on Phase 2 you are probably hypoglycemic which is common in overweight people, and you should increase your daily caloric intake to ~750 cals per day, preferably with lean protein)
6) You have a mineral deficiency (this can possibly be corrected with Sea Salt - see below)
So, the first thing to do if you are hungry is to check yourself against the above list and make sure you 'on protocol', drinking enough water and not hypoglycemic.
If you have taken the above corrective measures and STILL suffer from hunger, you have the following additional remedies:
- Midday Spray: If you're getting hungry in the middle of the day, you can try an extra spray midday. Try not to get in the habit of this since you won't have enough spray in the bottle for a full round.
- Miracle Noodles: These are pure fiber, and ZERO calories - you can eat AS MUCH of them as you want on Phase 2, and they don't count towards any of your allowed foods. You can eat them IN ADDITION to your allowed foods. Just drink extra water to 'keep them moving' in your system. Order them here
- Glucommanan: These supplements can help keep you full longer and help keep you "regular". Recommended brand is Swanson brand 'Glucommanan +' available at
- Sea Salt: Regular table salt is processed and basically not that great for you, but sea salt has trace minerals that are NECESSARY for your metabolism to function properly. Many have found that a lack of these trace minerals can be the reason for feeling hungry and/or tired. Try doing a sea salt cocktail for a quick fix, and then use sea salt in place of table salt in your diet going forward.
Mix 1 teaspoon sea salt in 8 oz water (warm/hot is best - kind of like broth)
Then chase with 8 oz. plain water.
You can add some garlic and/or onion powder, pepper, a little bit of parsley and use HOT water to create a broth! That works too!
Something really interesting! When your body needs it - it tastes so good!! When your body doesn't need it - it is TOO salty!
- Potassium supplements: These are highly recommended if you suffer from leg cramps, but another symptom of low potassium is hunger - you can find these at any pharmacy or grocery store
- Ketostix: These test strips don't actually combat hunger, but they WILL tell you if you are in 'ketosis' and burning fat. If you have tried the above and are STILL hungry, it may be time to test your urine with Ketostix to see if you are actually burning fat. If these test strips come up negative, your bottle of spray may have been erased from storing near electronics or magnetic fields, your cellphone, or airport X-ray scanners. You can buy Ketostix at your local Walgreens or other neighborhood pharmacy. I found the brand name strips work better than the generic.
Hunger is one thing, but getting a 'shaky' feeling, or dizziness, or cold sweats (or combination of the these) is a symptom of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or low blood pressure and needs to be corrected immediately.
For low blood sugar: Take 2 heaping teaspoons of sugar right away, and then increase your daily calories to ~750 for the duration. Keep hard candies handy, especially while driving, so you have an 'instant bump' of sugar handy if and when it becomes necessary (although the problem is usually corrected with the increase in calories)
For low blood pressure: Do the sea salt cocktail immediately.
© 2009-2012 TrimYou
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