We have not been taught how to really listen to what our bodies are trying to say. They start out just asking quietly - with an "Ah-hem." If we don't hear that - they have to do something a bit louder - "Excuse me." If we still don't hear - they try something a bit louder - "Hey!" If we ignore that, or mis-understand they try again - "HEY YOU!!!"
Finally they just scream - "I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!!!!"
Now - let's change that up a bit so you understand more what I mean.
"Ah-hem." is really - "I need some _____ (fill in the blank... Let's say it's protein) "I need some protein." We don't hear. We're busy. We keep going. Then we might get a nudge that says "Meat sounds good."
We're in a traffic jam. Can't do anything about it. Ignore it - it will go away. Later something like this might happen - "A big burger with fries and a shake!"
We just got in the car to take the kids to the soccer game. We're late! Gotta go!
By now - our bodies know that it is too late to get what they need from the protein because protein takes too long to process and the window of opportunity has passed. They need something and they need it very soon. So something like this happens - "OK - I'll settle for nachos with lots and lots of that melted orange stuff on it! NOW!"
But - just as you finally return with the forgotten shin guards and give them to your unprotected player the snack bar has run out of nachos! ARGH!!!!!
OK -the game is almost over - it'll wait. Then comes the "GIVE ME SUGAR AND GIVE IT TO ME RIGHT NOW!!!!!" And we do! Because it is a fast and easy fix. BUT it is the wrong thing. Our bodies needed protein and it knew it and asked for it. But we have not learned to speak it's language. We do not know how to listen or what it is trying so hard to tell us.
Our bodies need certain things to keep working correctly. Let's learn how to hear!
When our bodies are craving something - it is really asking for us to meet a need. When it is craving bread - it is not the need of bread, but the need of nitrogen. Our bodies knows what they have need of and if we learn to listen, we can get them back on track.
When we are craving chocolate -- we are low in magnesium. Did you know that? If you give your body magnesium, the craving for chocolate will stop.
So - if you are craving a certain food - please do not look at it like you are messed up, other than the fact that your body is messed up lacking something and it is telling you how to get what it needs. We just have NOT listened for so long we need a re-fresher course.
The HHCG protocol is that re-fresher course! Things change after this. That is why it is NOT a diet - it is a new way of life!
Some great examples of Cravings/Needs = http://www.naturopathyworks.com/pages/cravings.php
Here are some more Cravings/Needs 2 = http://www.ehow.com/how_4510104_decipher-food-cravings.html.
© 2009-2012 TrimYou
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